Burnt Out: how to cope with autistic burnout

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This lovely zine is handdrawn and sewn by batmoons aka Jasmine Osborne provides gentle advice and guidance for coping with autistic burnout and how to let yourself recover.

They say:
”autistic burnout is when autistic people can't do things they used to because of how little energy they have left. it takes a whole lot more energy to function whilst being autistic and do basic tasks such as remembering to eat or doing laundry. burnout leaves us feeling weak and exhausted.

i hope this zine gives you a little comfort or helps you to understand your autistic friend or family member a bit better. if you are neurotypical please remember that all autistic people are different and this information/advice comes from my own personal experience with burnout. if you want to educate yourself more about autism i would strongly suggest seeking resources from actual autistic people & i am very grateful that you're taking the time to look at my work. i hope u enjoy !!”

Check out their etsy page (etsy.com/shop/batmoons) for more zines, beautiful handmade pin badges and care packages.

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